The BRHYTHMIC podcast. This podcast is specifically designed for music students, their parents and music tutors. Produced by Bron Harrison and the team at BRHYTHMIC, each episode contains nuggets of gold for you to sink your musical teeth into.
Success in mostly in the mind.
It is based on your ability to objectively look at:
- Where you were
- Where you are now
- Where you are going
… and being confident that there is progress in between these steps.
So to help you along your way, I have designed a little SUCCESS SNAPSHOT for you to fill out and take to your tutor, mentor, or anyone that helps you progress towards a bigger, brighter goal.
Come on, print ‘er off-skie Grab a pen. Ya ready? Let’s go!
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BRHYTHMIC PODCAST is so snackable you can listen on the way to school